deploy aws
Created: 2019-11-01 Updated: 2020-11-12

Automatic Let's Encrypt TLS Certificates

Here's how I renew the TLS Certificates on my 3 websites every 3 months with one command.


This post assumes you have already setup your static website with Let's Encrypt Certificates, using my previous article.

Too late?

If the certificates have already expired, make sure you switch Redirect HTTP to HTTPS to HTTP and HTTPS in Cloudfront otherwise the certificate installation will fail as certbot needs to be able to browse to the site.

To do this:

  1. Browse to
  2. Click on the ID of the expired distribution
  3. Click the Behaviours tab
  4. Select the first line in the table and click Edit
  5. Change Viewer Protocol Policy to HTTP and HTTPS
  6. Scroll down and click Yes, Edit at the bottom right

Create a script

I have 3 sites that all need renewing at the same time. I'll use certbot which is a Docker image from my repo that we setup in the previous article.

First, make sure your AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY are set in your environment. This can be done from the command-line with:

setx AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID <your id>
setx AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY <your key>

Once you've done that you'll never need to do that again unless you reinstall your machine.

Then in the cloned certbot folder make an install-all.ps1 file.

Then for each website you need a line:

./install <> <your distribution id>

Save the file and run with ./install-all.

The certificates should install automatically.

Don't forget, if the certificates had already expired, make sure you switch back to Redirect HTTP to HTTPS in Cloudfront. Similar to the steps in the first part of this article:

  1. Browse to
  2. Click on the ID of the expired distribution
  3. Click the Behaviours tab
  4. Select the first line in the table and click Edit
  5. Change Viewer Protocol Policy to Redirect HTTP to HTTPS
  6. Scroll down and click Yes, Edit at the bottom right


As Let's Encrypt is a free service its certificates are only valid for 3 months. I wanted a single command that I could use to renew all my certificates easily. This is it - providing I remember to renew them before they expire!